Buy Magic Mushies Online Australia

Buy magic mushies online Australia right here on the ACT Shrooms and Weed Store. With the help of our professional farmers and team, we have selected the best, organic and high quality Psilocybin Mushrooms of varying potencies that’ll match your taste. They all have different levels of active ingredients which include psilocybinpsilocin and baeocystin.  It is important to understand the levels in the mushroom that you choose to consume because some mushrooms can be 12x more potent than others.

Buy Psilocybin Mushrooms In Australia

There are over 180 species of Pizza Toppings around the world and we have made it possible for you to buy and use the top 10 selection when it comes to their potencies. So rest assured you’re at the best place to buy Psilocybin Mushrooms in Australia. Let’s check them out below:

  • Blue Ringers (Psilocybe Stuntzii): With a total potency of 0.50% (0.36% Psilocybin, 0.12% Psilocin and 0.02% Baeocystin), the Blue Ringers Mushrooms specie can be a good start for a beginner.
  • Little Birds of the Woods (Psilocybe Hoogshagenii): This magic mushroom likes to live in muddy clay soils on coffee plantations and is found from June to July in Mexico and in February in Argentina. Having a total potency of 0.70% (0.60% Psilocybin and 0.10% Psilocin).

Order Magic Mushrooms Online Australia

  • Psilocybe Weilii: It is a dark chestnut brown to olivaceous brown with blackish brown zones around the ends and will fade to light brown when dying. A little stronger than the Hoogshagenii with a total potency of 0.93% (0.61% Psilocybin, 0.27% Psilocin and 0.05% Baeocystin).
  • Golden Caps (Psilocybe Cubensis): If you haven’t tried the popular Golden Caps yet, you must be lost. It is the most popular magic mushroom and you will find this one in the spring, summer and fall, growing mostly out of the poop of cattle, horses or elephants or in grounds that are rich in this manure. The Psilocybe  Cubensis has a total potency of 1.26% (0.63% Psilocybin, 0.60% Psilobin and 0.025% Baeocystin).

Buy High Potency Psilocybin Mushrooms

So you love getting high quickly… Here are some of our collection of very high potency psilocybin mushrooms for sale;

  • Flying Saucer Mushroom (Psilocybe Azurescens): From its name, you can start wondering how high you’ll fly after a single use. This is the Strongest Magic Mushroom ever, with reference from users, research and potency level. It has a very high potency of 2.51% (1.78% Psilocybin, 0.38% Psilocin and 0.35% Baeocystin).
  • The Bohemian Psilocybe (Psilocybe Bohemica): Is the Flying Saucer too strong for you? You should try the Bohemian Psilocybe. It is clay brown to dingy orange brown in color and gets lighter towards the outside. These Tweezes have a total potency of 1.47% (1.34% Psilocybin, 0.11%Psilocin and 0.02 Baeocystin).

Magic Mushrooms For Sale Near Me Australia | SHOP NOW !!!

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